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Bicarb vs. Bone Mineral Density

pHAlovs. Bone Mineral Density

Lower serum bicarbonate levels are associated with lower bone mineral density (BMD) in US adults.

According to an American Journal of Kidney Diseases' article, over 9,700 adults 20 years or older were studied. This study revealed that chronic metabolic acidosis leads to bone mineral loss and results in lower (BMD), which is a major risk factor for osteoporosis and related fractures. At highest risk for low BMD were post menopausal women.

Serum bicarbonate levels may be incorporated in determining an increase risk for low BMD. (Am J Kidney Dis. 2015 Feb;65(2):240-8)

pHAlo offers everything your body needs to raise serum bicarbonate levels and strengthen bones to keep your body in optimal health.

You can read these facts and more at the National Center for Biotechnology Information and PubMed:

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Bicarb vs. Chronic Kidney Disease

pHAlo™ vs. Chronic Kidney Disease

The kidneys play one of the most important roles in maintaining serum bicarbonate and acid-base balance. As kidney function declines, a decrease in serum bicarbonate level is common. 1 out of every 4 adults over 50 yrs has low serum bicarbonate levels. It is associated with increased muscle wasting, development or worsening of bone disease, progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD), and increased mortality.

Administering bicarbonates to individuals with CKD has been recommended and is associated with an improvement in kidney function and has long term benefits in slowing the progression of CKD.

Individuals with low sodium bicarbonate levels are more likely to manifest a 50% reduction in kidney function or end stage renal disease than those with higher bicarbonate levels.

Metabolic acidosis (low pH) is one of the most commonly encountered complications of Chronic Kidney Disease and believed to contribute to a number of sequelae, including bone disease, altered protein metabolism, skeletal muscle wasting and progressive Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) decrease.

Low serum bicarbonate levels have been reported to be an independent predictor of kidney function decline and mortality in patients with CKD.

pHAlo™ has the bicarbonates and minerals that your body needs to replenish what it loses with age or disease.

You can read these facts and more at the American Journal of Kidney Diseases and PubMed:

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Bicarb vs. Insulin Resistance

pHAlo™ vs. Insulin Resistance

pHAlo was created for pH balance and optimal health. It can be used for people who are at risk for diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes or other chronic diseases.

There are 29 million people in the U.S. that have diabetes and it is believed that over 8 million more may be undiagnosed and unaware of their condition. More than 1 in every 10 adults 20 years or older have diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90-95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is associated with a term called INSULIN RESISTANCE.

Resistance to insulin is central to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

INSULIN RESISTANCE occurs when the cells of the body do not respond normally to insulin (they are resistant). This resistance to insulin causes the blood sugar levels to become elevated within the body and blood. This elevated blood sugar level is damaging to the body and can cause other serious health problems due to the increased acid that develops. This acidic environment can cause heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension, hardening of the arteries, and more.

Fluctuations of blood sugar caused by insulin resistance can be reduced by becoming and maintaining an alkaline environment within the tissues and blood. This alkaline environment has been shown to decrease insulin resistance thus reducing health risks associated with diabetes.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey studied 1,496 adults without diabetes or other chronic diseases and found that lower bicarbonate levels and higher anion gap (acidosis) are independently associated with insulin resistance.

A low saliva pH (too much acid) has been shown to be a predictor in insulin resistance and obesity that may result in a condition known as Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome is characterized by a number of interrelated clinical disorders that include obesity, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, inflammation, and increased bad cholesterol levels. Especially at risk for metabolic syndrome are perimenopausal and postmenopausal women.

Plasma bicarbonate levels and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus were studied in 630 women who did not have type 2 diabetes mellitus at the time of the study. The results of the study revealed higher plasma bicarbonate levels (less acid) were associated with decreased incidence of type 2 diabetes among these women.

Studies have revealed the importance of promoting an alkaline environment and the reduction of resistance to insulin that occurs.
Several mechanisms may lead to insulin resistance and thereby contribute to the development of type 2 DM, including fatty acid metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction and systemic inflammation. Metabolic acidosis may also contribute to insulin resistance. Mild metabolic acidosis reduces tissue insulin sensitivity. Metabolic acidosis may also increase cortisol production, which in turn is implicated in the development of insulin resistance.

pHAlo promotes and helps maintain an alkaline environment within your body!

" My A1C went down tremendously. This is a great product for my diabetes" Sheila W

" My blood sugar came down to almost normal and my A1C went from 13 to 7.0 in 6 months" Shatanya P

" I have so much more energy and have given some to my Dad who is also a diabetic" Amanda P

You can read these facts and more at the National Center for Biotechnology Information and BMC Oral Health:

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Bicarb vs. Joint Pain

            pHAlo™ vs. Joint Pain/Arthritis

According to the CDC, arthritis affects 23% (54 million) of US adults. The total national arthritis-attributable medical care costs and earnings losses among adults with arthritis in 2013 was over 303.5 billion dollars. There are different classifications of arthritis, each with different causative factors including metabolic abnormalities, wear and tear, infection, autoimmune disease and underlying disease.

Inflammation, which causes pain and stiffness, worsens the process.

Arthritis is also called joint inflammation

Arthritis can stem from chronic acidosis which leads to inflammation, insufficient nutritional supply to tissues and decreased oxygen within the joints or surrounding tissue. Studies have revealed that acidosis is a direct link to the development and worsening of these conditions.

More than 3 million people in the U.S. suffer from a joint disorder which features inflammation in one or more joints of the body. Women are more common than men to experience a joint disorder.


- joint pain

- swelling

- redness

- reduced motion


One (1) out of four (4) adults over the age of 50 have low serum bicarbonate levels which leads to an acidic environment within the body, chronic acidosis, and increased inflammation.

Maintaining an alkaline environment within the tissues and blood can result in a significant decrease in inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints!

The "western diet" is thought to contribute to mild metabolic acidosis via the supply of acid precursors from foods. This is important to note because aged adults are less able to excrete H+ ions and are more prone to develop mild, but slowly increasing metabolic acidosis with negative functional outcomes including reduced torque and lower gait speed.

Lower serum bicarbonate levels are associated with slower gait speed and reduced quadriceps strength in older adults.

According to a study in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases (2011 July:58(1):29-38) 2,675 adults 50 years and older were studied and it was revealed that:

(1) Older age is associated with low serum pH and bicarbonate levels;

(2) Alkali supplementation in older persons has demonstrated beneficial effects on nitrogen balance and skeletal metabolism;

(3) low levels of serum bicarbonate leads to metabolic acidosis and associated with reduced muscle strength and gait speed in the general population.

pHAlo™ helps your body stay young by replacing what your body loses as we age.

" No pain in my hips and less pain in my feet. Great Product." Reva A

" I have less knee pain and less joint pain" Mike P

" pHALo rid me of sciatic pain that I've had since August 2013. It changed my life" Will C

" Less inflammation and better sleep" Wes K

Acidosis Mediates the Switching of Gs-PKA and Gi-PKCε Dependence in Prolonged Hyperalgesia Induced by Inflammation.

Research strategies for pain in lumbar radiculopathy focusing on acid-sensing ion channels and their toxins.

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Bicarb vs. Performance

pHAlo™ vs. Performance

For sports disciplines that rely on speed or strength endurance, glycolysis is the primary energy source for muscular contractions. The total capacity of the glycolytic pathway is limited by the progressive increase of acidity within the muscle.

The increase in acidity is caused by the accumulation of hydrogen ions which ultimately inhibits energy transfer and the ability of the muscle to contract, forcing the athlete to decrease the intensity of exercise.

Trained athletes have shown that pre-buffering the body before strenuous exercise or competition has improved performance by up to 14-16%

Buffers decrease the amount of acid in the body and improves the body's response to the build up of lactic acid.

pHALo is intended for everyone who is interested in achieving and maintaining optimal performance.




Suggested use: 

4 capsules 30 minutes before a workout for a 70 kg person.

 6 capsules 30 minutes before a workout for 80+ kg person

Too much acid in the body has been associated with:

- Lower cardiorespiratory fitness in young adults

-Less muscle mass

-Increased insulin resistance


After the Dallas Marathon, we heard from Kyle who ran and completed the marathon for the very first time. Since it was on a bet, he didn't train before the run and the after effect was that he could not walk for two days! After two large doses of pHAlo™ he reported the soreness was GONE!

" I improved my running times in competition 10K races so much that I broke into the TOP 10 " Karen M

" I have been using this product for years and I am a believer. Glad it made it to FB. It keeps me going. I do 7-10 miles running a day and it helps keep the lactic acid muscle soreness at a normal level. My non-active family took it during our 10 day Disney trip and they said it helped their soreness too! Great stuff!" Melanie

" Staying more active and playing basketball without pain. I am not as sore afterwards" Ron A

You can read these facts and more at the National Center for Biotechnology Information and PubMed:

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Effects of Having an Aloe+pH Balanced Life

Effects of Having an Aloe+pH Balanced Life

Acid Reflux




Joint Pain

pH vs. Kidney Stones

                 pHAlo™ vs. Kidney Stones


Low urine pH leads to an increase in uric acid stone formation leading to nephrolithiasis (kidney stones).
Type 2 diabetes is a risk factor for kidney stone formation and has been associated with uric acid stones in particular. Obesity and type 2 diabetes have been implicated as risk factors for nephrolithiasis.

For prevention of calcium oxalate, cystine, and uric acid kidney stones, urine should be alkalized (high pH)

The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN May 2006 Vol 17 No. 5 1422-1428), conducted a study of 91 people to examine the pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the strong association between type 2 diabetes and uric acid nephrolithiasis. A low urine pH was the predominant metabolic abnormality in uric acid stone disease. In addition, both uric acid stone formers (UASF) and patients with type 2 diabetes demonstrated obesity and elevated blood sugar, which are characteristics of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

This study also found that low urine pH correlates with a higher rate of obesity in patients prone to have nephrolithiasis. The study concludes that in patients with type 2 diabetes, the main risk factor for uric acid nephrolithiasis is a low urine pH.

It is easy to test your urine pH with the testing strips that are included with every purchase of pHAlo.

Raise your urine pH with the daily use of pHAlo™ for the best chance to live a more active and stone free life!

You can read these facts and more at the Journal for the American Society of Nephrology and PubMed

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